Week 40


51 cm


7 lb 7 oz

Finally, it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for. Your baby is now getting ready to meet the world. Remember to stay calm and practice your breathing so that you’re ready for labour.

The development your baby has gone through over the past 9 months is astonishing. He or she has grown from one single cell to a whole baby human being made up of over 200 million cells. By the time your baby is born, they’ll weigh, on average, around 7lb 7oz and measure 51cm.

With very little room left to move, both you and your baby are no doubt ready for labour. Once your baby’s born, you’ll find sleeping and breathing much more comfortable.

When you’re waiting for your baby to arrive, you’re bound to wonder whether even the smallest twinge or rumbling in your tummy is the onset of labour. A classic sign to look out for is a ‘show’ of mucus and, of course, contractions that form a regular pattern. If you’re feeling nervous or even scared about the birth process, it’s entirely natural – but it can help to talk through your fears with either a loved one or a member of our Careline team.Call us on 800 6458 6262 (UAE)/ +971 4 420 9489 (Other countries) between the hours of 9am and 6pm Saturday to Thursday.

And remember when you log on again after the birth, let us know your baby’s date of birth to ensure we give you the most accurate information tailored to your baby’s stage from then on.

Click here to read about pregnancy safe exercises >>

Good luck from all of us at Apta-advice.

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menstrual period?

Know your baby’s
due date

RESULT Estimated due date (40 week full term)

Continue to read more All dates are approximations and should only be considered as a reference.

Need advice?

Our team of experts is ready to answer your questions and support you on your journey from pregnancy to toddler hood. For more information and relevant advice, please contact us between 9am-6pm from Sunday to Friday.